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Sant Carles de Peralta: a piano-loving village

Only 5 kilometres away from Hotel Ánfora is Sant Carles de Peralta, a small charming village that you must visit during your holidays in Ibiza. Despite being so small, it boasts cultural heritage, boutiques and one of the most iconic hippy places on the island. You’ll love it!

Sant Carles de Peralta: the hippiest Ibiza

Sant Carles barely has a few houses around its church and is one of the villages that has least grown on the island. It has preserved the look of Ibiza’s inland villages from the old days: a tiny urban centre consisting of a church, parish house, shop-bar and two or three houses. The rest of the neighbours lived isolated in the country houses scattered across the farm valleys in the surrounding area.

In the 60s, many European and American hippies came to this quiet and rural Ibiza and turned Sant Carles into one of their favourite places. One of the witnesses of that mythical time in Ibiza is Ca n’Anneta, also called Bar Anita, an iconic place on the island that you mustn’t miss when you stroll through Sant Carles. This was one of the meeting points of the hippies who lived in the country houses and would go down to the village to pick up their mail or the money sent from abroad.

sant carles peralta ibiza visits seeCasa Anita. © NC/Hotel Ánfora

What to see in Sant Carles de Peralta

  • Church of Sant Carles: it preserves the simple beauty of the Ibizan temples and the remarkable porxo made up of rows of columns. The porxo, or portico, is one of the marked elements of the traditional Ibizan architecture.
  • Font de Peralta: despite its apparent modesty, the first record of this fountain on the outskirts of Sant Carles dates back to 1620 and is a good example of Ibiza’s hydraulic heritage. This summer, the fountain stands in its renewed setting, surrounded by a garden with native plants, new stone walls, better access for pedestrians and a walk to the nearby house museum of Trull de Ca n’Andreu.
  • Es Trull de Ca n’Andreu: don’t forget to visit this exceptional example of a traditional country house in Ibiza that preserves, among other elements, an 18th century oil mill.
  • Street market of Las Dalias: originally opened as an events hall in the 50s, it was far later, in 1985, when it hosted its first hippy flea market with only 5 stalls. Nowadays, you will find up to 200 craftsmen/women and sellers in the summer. Open every Saturday, all year round, this is one of the must-sees in Ibiza.
  • Ca n’Anneta: with nearly 150 years of history, this iconic bar in Ibiza is an essential visit if you pass by Sant Carles. Don't miss the phone booth or the letterboxes that survive in its patio, the paintings by artists and hippies who used to visit the bar or its famous hierbas ibicencas liquor.

A norte es trullEs Trull de Ca n'Andreu. ©

The musical event of Sant Carles: 23rd Ibiza International Music Festival and Ibiza International Piano Competition

From 24th August until 8th September, the parish of Sant Carles de Peralta will host this high-level biannual musical event that revolves around the piano. The concerts of the 23rd International Music Festival of Ibiza will be on 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th and 31st August and on 1st and 7th September and will welcome outstanding pianists, including Mary Wu, Antonio Baciero, Sira Hernández and the Italian organ player Giampaolo di Rosa. Tickets are a €5 donation (free for children).

This event is completed with the 23rd Ibiza International Piano Competition, one of the most recognised and prestigious competitions in Europe, where young pianists from all over the world will play an extensive repertoire of classic and modern pieces. This will take place from 3rd till 8th September and tickets are free.

sant carles peralta eventsIbiza International Music Festival

Hotel Ánfora: very close to the treasures of Sant Carles de Peralta

Hotel Ánfora is less than a 10-minute drive from Santa Carles de Peralta. If you’ve chosen our special package that includes room+car+half-board, you will be able to visit this quaint village with your hired car and also enjoy the breathtaking beaches on its coast, like Es Figueral, Cala Mastella or Cala Llenya. And if you’d like to discover other places near Sant Carles, don't miss our routes and recommendations for the northern and eastern sides of Ibiza.

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