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By car, motorbike or bike: cultural route around Santa Eulalia

The surrounding area of our 4-star hotel in Es Canar has many interesting places that you can explore by following this cultural route around Santa Eulalia by car, motorbike or bike. The route has 14 stops in all and you can do them in one or two days. Want to come?

Cultural route around Santa Eulalia from Es Canar

Traditional country houses, churches, wells, fountains and mills; fields of almond trees and carob trees; and the only river in the Balearic Islands are revealed on this route around the municipality of Santa Eulalia. The furthest visit is only 20 Km away from Hotel Ánfora and Es Canar. You can do this cultural route in Ibiza by car or motorbike, but you can also do it by bike, partly or wholly, combining the cyclotourist itineraries numbers 1, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 12. Whichever means of transport you choose, make sure to work up your appetite because you will be able to taste the recipes of our land at the countless restaurants on the way serving Ibiza’s traditional dishes.

a hotel car ibiza packThe furthest visit is only 20 Km away from Hotel Ánfora and Es Canar. © NC / Hotel Anfora

The route, stop by stop

Naturally you can organise the route as you please, but we recommend you follow this order and download the cultural route around Santa Eulalia as a pdf file (available in English and Spanish) from the website. In this interesting brochure, you will find detailed information on each of the visits as well as interesting facts and a list of Ibizan restaurants.

Stop 1: Puig de Missa

One of the island’s architectural treasures. Read our previous post about why you must not miss Puig de Missa, which is only 5 Km from Hotel Ánfora.

Stop 2: Can Ros, Ethnographic Museum of Ibiza

It’s only a few meters away from Puig de Missa and its visit will reveal the richness of the island’s traditional heritage.

Stop 3: Interpretation Centre of Río Can Planetes

You won’t have to get back into the car yet, as this stop is a few minutes’ walk from Can Ros. There you will learn about the village’s farming history and you can reach the sea by a pleasant self-guided walk by the river.

A Puig de Missa churchDon't miss a visit to Puig de missa. ©

Stop 4: Pont Vell

Next to this simple and beautiful bridge you will find out what the fameliars are and all about their powers. Don’t miss the information boards!

Stop 5: Barrau Gallery

Before getting back on the road, visit this gallery devoted to the paintings of Laureà Barrau i Buñol and admire the everyday scenes and traditions of Ibiza in the early 20th century.

Stop 6: Church of Jesús

One of the must-sees if you don’t want to miss the most valuable art treasure on the island: a 15th century Gothic altarpiece.

cultural route ibiza museumKnow about our culture at Can Ros. ©

Stop 7: Windmill of Puig d’en Valls

The furthest stop from Es Canar will introduce you to the only flour windmill in Ibiza that still has all its machinery.

Stop 8: Pou de Gatzara

Wells have always been a key architectural element on the island. They stand out for their architectural and ethnographic singularity, as peasants have been organising the ballades around the wells for centuries. These festive gatherings were to celebrate the end of the harvest or other important dates on the country calendar. This particular well, or pou, stands in the geographic centre of Ibiza and dates back to the 17th century or even earlier.

Stop 9: Church of Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera

In the village of Santa Gertrudis, visitors will not only see this beautiful and simple church from late 18th century, they will also find boutiques, pleasant cafes and restaurants.

cultural route ibiza gertrudisTake a break in Santa Gertrudis. © NC / Hotel Ánfora

Stop 10: Font d’Atzaró

In the valley of Atzaró you will find a fountain bearing the same name. It is part of an interesting heritage site that includes a water tank, washhouse, irrigation ditch and the ruins of an oil press.

Stop 11: Canal d’en Martí

In this small natural harbour, you will learn how the Romans obtained the purple dye that was so coveted by the upper classes in those times.

Stop 12: Es Pou des Lleó

Only a few meters on from the previous stop, we run into this sea-facing well that dates as far back as the 17th century or even earlier. If you download the pdf brochure from the website, you’ll learn the curious legend that surrounds this well.

a cultural route towerWith this route you will discover several interesting places around Hotel Anfora. ©

Stop 13: Campanitx Tower

A short walk leads to this tower that was built in the 18th century to protect the coast from Ottoman pirates and an amazing view of the coast and Tagomago islet.

Stop 14: Church of Sant Carles de Peralta

The last stop takes us to the last church in the municipality to visit and to another two heritage treasures: the Font de Peralta and the Trull de Ca n’Andreu. Discover what to see in Sant Carles in our post Sant Carles, a piano-loving village.

Get going with our offer Room + Half-Board + car rental

Depending on the dates you book for your next holidays in Ibiza, you will find special offers designed for our most curious guests that include free car rental. Look out for these offers for your dates and, if in doubt, email us, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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