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Traditional Ibiza, only a step away from Hotel Ánfora

Ibiza has an important cultural and historical heritage scattered across its territory. By exploring it, you will learn about the island’s essence and the particularities that have turned this outstanding Mediterranean territory into a unique destination. If you’re staying at our modern 4-star hotel in Es Canar, it will be easy to explore the most authentic side of Ibiza, as you will find many interesting visits only a few kilometres away. Rent a car and ask for a map at our front desk to go out and discover the most traditional side of this island.

What to visit around Es Canar and Hotel Ánfora

Our hotel has an excellent location to explore the more traditional side of Ibiza. If you’re renting a car –or taking the bus to Santa Eulària des Riu– you can visit:

- the Puig de Missa monuments in Santa Eulària des Riu, that preserves the best sample of a fortified church in Ibiza.

- the Ethnographic Museum of Ibiza, a very interesting visit as it is an excellent sample of an Ibizan country house and it is home to an extensive collection of instruments, clothes and traditional tools. It is part of the Puig de Missa monuments.

norte es trull visitas ibiza tradicional es canarEs Trull de ca n'Andreu. © NC/Hotel Ánfora

- Es Trull de ca n’Andreu is a house museum that’s a short drive from Hotel Ánfora, in Sant Carles de Peralta, and it dates back to the 18th century. It introduces us to one of the few oil mills left in Ibiza but is also a fantastic sample of a traditional country house.

- The Torre d’en Valls is an 18th century watchtower. It is at the end of the path that starts at Pou d’es Lleó, offering wonderful views of the islet of Tagomago.

Ibiza’s traditional architecture a step away from Hotel Ánfora

By simply driving along the secondary roads of the island, you will quickly discover fantastic samples considered as Ibiza’s traditional architecture. With their cubic shapes, thick whitewashed walls and small windows, many of these have been declared listed buildings to preserve the elements that have made the island’s architecture so unique. A simple way to tell the traditional houses apart from the modern houses that copy the traditional style is by observing their simplicity: the rougher the finish, the smaller the windows and the more cubic the building, the older they will be, as Ibizan houses were built by the owners themselves and would expand as the family expanded by adding yards or rooms to the sides or on a second floor as needed.

traditional ibiza museum visits around es canarCan Ros, the Ethnographic Museum of Ibiza, is an excellent sample of an Ibizan country house. © Tolo Balaguer/

Churches in Ibiza

As with traditional houses, churches in Ibiza had a practical approach to their architecture. In this case, the need for shelter from pirates marked the defensive purpose of Ibizan churches, which have thick walls and no windows. This means that any windows seen on some of the façades were added later on. Only a few kilometres away from Hotel Ánfora, in the centre and north of Ibiza, you will find excellent samples of Ibizan churches, such as the Puig de Missa church in Santa Eulària des Riu and the churches of Sant Carles de Peralta, Santa Gertrudis, Sant Vicent de Sa Cala, Sant Joan and Sant Miquel.

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Don’t you know Es Canar? Find out five reasons to choose it as your next holiday destination in Ibiza and know all the advantages of staying in our Hotel Anfora 4*.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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