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Meet us: Juanjo’s Ibiza

Our colleague Juanjo is the star of our third post devoted to Hotel Ánfora’s staff who help offer our guests the best service during their holidays in Ibiza. In this case, his face won’t be familiar, not even among our most regular guests, because he works behind the scenes taking care of the maintenance of our 4-star hotel in Es Canar. An essential job that he has been performing for the past 30 years at Hotel Ánfora.


Juanjo: how to keep Hotel Ánfora in good condition

- Each building is unique, as if they have their own personality. How would you describe Hotel Ánfora in terms of maintenance?

Right from the very start it’s been very well looked after as it was built by the owner himself. Mr Ferrer spent his winters taking care of the maintenance and keeping it in good condition. He would do renovations when necessary and check what needed doing to make sure it was all in good shape and there would be no problems later on. And that’s what we still do nowadays.

- How does Hotel Ánfora manage to be an increasingly efficient and sustainable hotel?

Every year we go over the things that can be improved for a better service, including new measures for energy conservation and efficiency.

- What do you like most of your job?

I love the mechanical side of my job. My father was very good with his hands and I became interested in mechanics through him. In fact, I drew up the designs for my own house.

- What do you find harder, preparing the building to get through the winter or getting it ready at the start of spring?

Both stages require a lot of work. Especially after a big renovation. Opening a hotel entails a lot of work. In spring, there are two weeks when we are working at full steam to get it all ready for the season.

- Throughout the years, what do you think of the changes made to Hotel Anfora?

Very positive, because we’ve gone from a simple, well preserved 2-star hotel to a 4-star hotel with all the comforts. The changes have been impressive and very positive. Not at all bad for a 50-year-old hotel!

A 2018 season hotel es canarOne of the pool areas in Hotel Ánfora © Alberto Paredes/Hotel Anfora


Juanjo’s recommendations for Ibiza

- What do you like to do in the winter?

In the winter I enjoy a bit of DIY, working with my machinery, taking photographs and fishing.

- What’s your favourite spot in Ibiza?

Cala Conta, no doubt about it. Especially at sunset. I also love the winter sunsets over Es Vedrá and the sea view from the cliffs at Cala d’Hort.

- Your favourite restaurant on the island?

I love Ca’s Pagès that serves Ibizan cuisine. And also Salvadó, in Pou des Lleó, and Port Balansat.

- A family beach in Ibiza?

There are quite a few around here, such as Es Canar, Cala Pada, Santa Eulària... And if you go up north, there’s the Gran Arenal beach in Portinatx.

- A must see in Ibiza?

There are two must-sees: Dalt Vila, World Heritage, and Cala d’Hort.

 ibiza cala conta staff recommendationsCala Conta is one of the most popular beaches in Ibiza. © NC/Hotel Anfora



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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