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5 Original plans in ibiza to get away from the beach for a while

The island’s beaches and coves are stunning, but if you'd also like to enjoy some original plans in Ibiza during your holidays on the White Island, read on, discover 5 funny proposals for families, inquisitive travellers and food lovers and don’t be sorry to leave the sun lounger for a while.

What is Ibiza Creativa?

Ibiza Creativa is a platform that aims to offer quality creative tourism in Ibiza following in the footsteps of the international Creative Tourism Network®. Launched by the island’s government together with the town councils, this platform offers different leisure options and original plans in Ibiza that encourage travellers to discover the island’s traditions and essence in a personal and active way. Among the 31 plans proposed by Ibiza Creativa on its website, we’ve chosen 5 funny plans for families, foodies and craft lovers.

5 original plans in Ibiza for all ages

  • Treasure hunt

Park your guidebooks and go out and explore the most beautiful spots in Ibiza through the different theme routes proposed by Treasure Hunt Ibiza on a family-friendly treasure hunt. Also, this activity is available in Spanish, English, Italian, German or French.

a original plans ibiza treasureEnjoy a funny experience with Treasure Hunt Ibiza.

  • Workshops on hierbas ibicencas

One of the original plans in Ibiza that most appeals to lovers of liquors are these workshops where you’re taught to prepare the aromatic and traditional hierbas ibicencas liquor. The local business, Fluxà Ibiza, offers this activity that includes a walk through the botanical gardens on the estate, plant picking, herb tasting, making the liquor and a tasting of Caleta coffee with sweet fritters. Interesting plan, right? These workshops are given three days a week in Spanish, Dutch, French, English or German.

  • Workshop on Craft Beer

For this activity, the craft brewery Ibosim will teach you how to make your own beer and it’s available from October to March in Spanish, Catalan, Italian or English. If your visit does not coincide with those dates, you can always go for a guided tour and see how beer is made in the only craft brewery in Ibiza. The tour includes the tasting of 6 aromatic beers with 6 tapas.

a original plans ibiza cookingJoin the Ibizan cooking classes organised by the organic farm Can Musson. © Can Musson

  • Ibiza’s traditional food

If you’ve already tried the flaó and you’d like to make it at home, join the Ibizan cooking classes organised by the organic farm Can Musson, only 9 kilometres away from Hotel Ánfora. You can also learn to make Ibiza’s typical artisan bread and coca (flatbread with toppings), goats cheese and the hierbas ibicencas liquor.

  • Different handicrafts for different interests

The Handicraft Centre of Sa Pedrera is in the city of Ibiza and offers several handicraft workshops during the summer (some of them in the winter too). Depending on your interests, you can learn how to make macramé, paint fans and other objects with material, make clay jewellery, silversmithing techniques, decorate wood, fire-glaze metal, work on leather... The activities are taught in several languages and you can find all the details on the Ibiza Creativa website. If you’d like to take home a traditional senallon (Ibizan basket) decorated by you, join this workshop given in Spanish or English and organised by the tourism agency Ibizan Experience. A good number of ideal and original plans in Ibiza for the most creative travellers.

a original plans ibiza workshops



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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