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Meet us: Carmen's Ibiza

This year we are celebrating the hotel’s 50th birthday and we didn’t want to miss the chance to chat to Carmen Ferrer about the hotel, Es Canar and Ibiza. Carmen had to step into her father’s shoes and run Hotel Ánfora in 2004.

It was her father who’d opened the hotel in 1969, when Es Canar was starting to earn the interest of tourists. With a Business degree and an MBA, she has been putting all her efforts into making sure that this family business meets the demands of modern-day travellers, but without compromising in any way the friendly and caring treatment that has always been the pride of Hotel Ánfora.


What’s your best memory of Hotel Ánfora?

My first picture of the hotel is at the end of a school year, when I’d rush back from school to swim in the pool and have strawberries and cream for tea surrounded by people having fun in the hotel. All those memories are always centred around the swimming pool.

Is being a hotelkeeper in the blood?

No, it comes once you start working at the hotel and feel passionate about it. You don’t know it until you get stuck into it; even if you’ve grown up in one... Tourism gave Ibizan locals like my father a chance to start a business. He was a foreman and thanks to tourism, he built a business and jobs. It may be quite usual now, but back then, you were either a farmer or a builder, there weren’t many prospects.

a 50th anniversary memories"My memories are always centred around the swimming pool" © Hotel Ánfora

This summer, Hotel Ánfora is celebrating its 50th. Which word defines its history?

Perseverance. 50 years of history is a reward for perseverance because, after all, during all these years, Ibiza and Es Canar have lived through many cycles and being able to say that we’ve made it this far is thanks to perseverance and work.

In 2017, the hotel was completely renovated and upgraded from 2 to 4 stars. What is Hotel Ánfora’s new spirit?

That of a hotel that has given a huge leap in quality but still wants to keep its family business feel.

What’s left of the old hotel?

The staff, who have always been like family to Hotel Ánfora, and the friendly reception we give guests to make them feel happy and welcome.

What is the hardest situation you’ve lived in the hotel in all these years?

Having to take over the hotel so suddenly upon my father’s unexpected death.

And the most fun?

Oh, I know... Years ago, a man was sleeping in the nude and needed the toilet but by mistake he opened the door to the room and ended up in the corridor without a key or clothes. He had to go down to the front desk and ask for a key. The guard had such a fright, ha ha ha...

A staff mandy guests"The staff have always been like family to Hotel Ánfora" © Hotel Ánfora

When you grow up in a hotel, do you develop a special sensitivity to customers’ needs?

Indeed. And developing that sense of what they need is what your business needs to keep going. You need to keep your eyes peeled for things that aren’t working and things that need improving. Especially in such a competitive market as this.

What do you think are the three skills that a hotelier should have?

Ongoing learning skills, in other words, never rest on your laurels, good financial management skills and good HR management skills. Leadership is very important.

What would you like Hotel Ánfora to be in 25 years’ time.

I hope it will still be a family business that strives to keep improving.

A 2018 season hotel es canar"50 years of history is a reward for perseverance." © Hotel Ánfora


What’s your favourite beach in Ibiza?

Cala Nova.

And your favourite spot on the island?

The landscape you see on the road from Sant Carles to Pou des Lleó: stone walls, lush green fig trees, the blue hues of the sea, the islet of Tagomago...

Which three places should Hotel Ánfora guests visit during their holidays in Ibiza?

Dalt Vila, which is a World Heritage site, the River Route, in Santa Eulària des Riu; and the Cala d’Hort area with the sunset opposite the islet of Es Vedrá.

A razones Cala nova"Cala Nova is my favourite beach" © NC/Hotel Ánfora

Ibiza in the winter or in the summer?

Hard choice, but if I’ve got to choose one, I’d say winter.

What place in Ibiza do you think remains a secret?

Northern area. Santa Eulària des Riu and Sant Joan de Labritja have lots of practically unknown spots.

Tell us three recommendations for Ánfora guests who travel with their family.

It depends on the family but kids always love the zip-line park of Acrobosc, an outing to beaches with a kids’ train, and a boat trip, even if it’s only between Es Canar to Santa Eulária des Riu.

a packs ibiza 2019 romantic"Our romantic package it's a nice plan for couples" © Hotel Ánfora

And for guests travelling as a couple?

A romantic dinner in Sol d’en Serra or another quiet cove, a drink in the bars in the marina of Santa Eulària des Riu, a visit to Santa Gertrudis as the sun sets, a getaway to Formentera. And of course, our romantic package.

What do you think Ibiza tastes of?

In the winter, it tastes and smells of land, woods and rosemary. And in the summer, of salt and pine trees.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


Online Booking
(+34) 971 33 01 76

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