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Meet us: Julio's Ibiza

A warm welcome doesn’t only open doors: it opens smiles too. Especially when you're away from home. This is why Hotel Ánfora’s staff at the front desk works every single day to give guests the best welcome to their holidays in Ibiza. Julio leads this team and will be opening the doors to the hotel and Ibiza, his birthplace, for this new post in the Meet Us section. Read on to find out his favourite places and other recommendations.

Julio and Hotel Ánfora

What do you like most of your job at Hotel Ánfora?

My favourite part of working at Hotel Ánfora is that guests, the atmosphere and my colleagues make our everyday tasks really pleasant and easy. It all flows smoothly.

What’s the funniest anecdote you remember from Hotel Ánfora?

LOL, there was this weird situation. I remember these guests who’d booked a double room for a night and came to the hotel at midday, before the check-in time, so their room wasn’t ready yet. We offered to keep their cases in our left-luggage room and took them to our courtesy room so they could change and that’s what they did. When I went back to work the next day, I was surprised to learn from my colleague that they never checked in. I told my colleague that they’d come at midday and left their cases in the left-luggage room and they were planning to check in after a day out on the island. Later that morning the guests did come to the hotel and told us that the day had been very long and great fun and that’s why they never came to sleep at the hotel. As they’d passed their check-out time I offered them the courtesy room again for them to change or wash but they said they didn’t need it: they just took their cases and left the hotel. It’s clear that plans often turn out better than expected in Ibiza, LOL...

What would you say is Hotel Ánfora’s best quality?

I’d say Hotel Ánfora’s best quality is the great atmosphere. We enjoy it as much as our guests do. Working in a quiet and friendly atmosphere is great for a perfect season.

a julio recommendations hotel ibiza

From what you see at work, what would you say is the quality or service that your guests most appreciate?

Us being so friendly, our personal treatment and the fact that we always try to meet all our guests’ requests if possible.

Some hotels are already using virtual front desks, do you think personal treatment will be a thing of the past?

I believe personal treatment is fundamental and the key is knowing how to adjust to the times. Nowadays, technology advances incredibly fast, even more than we’re able to experience. In other words, if today we’re all about virtual front desks, it will be over by tomorrow. The customer has a choice between trends and brands and that’s what makes us lead different paths. But exclusiveness is always exceptional. That’s why I think that when virtual front desks expand, a personal front desk will become an exclusive, luxury service.

Julio and Ibiza

Hotel Ánfora opens from April to October. What’s the best time for a romantic getaway to Ibiza?

I think the best months to visit Ibiza are June and September, when you can enjoy the warm weather and a peaceful island. However, you can also find peace in July and August on the northern part of the island.

What’s your favourite place in Ibiza?

I’ve always felt a special connection to the Aguas Blancas beach. It’s so Ibiza and as it’s surrounded by mountains, I can get away from the world. There are other places that make me feel this way in Ibiza too, like Punta Galera or the rocks in Cala de Bou.

A aigues blanquesAguas Blancas (Aigües Blanques in catalan) is one of the beautiful beaches located a few kilometres from Hotel Anfora. © NC/HA.

And the beach?

Aguas Blancas, that’s for sure.

In the summer, you like to...

Go for walks with my family and enjoy the sea breeze in the afternoon or evening or go for an ice-cream or drink.

And in the winter...

I also like to go for walks, but I try to find sunny spots and make the most of daylight.

What do you like most of Ibiza?

That it’s so small. I like going to any part on the island and be back in the same day.

A ibiza 1"Don't miss the Ibiza's castle and La Marina quarter". © Pixabay


  • A restaurant for Ibizan food: Salvadó, in Pou des Lleo.
  • A bar for evening drinks: Cervecería Quintana, in Santa Eulària des Riu.
  • A child-friendly restaurant: La Tagliatella, in Ibiza.
  • A quiet beach: Cala Boix.
  • A must-see when you're travelling to Ibiza for the first time: The castle of Ibiza with its walls that have been declared World Heritage and La Marina quarter. And a visit to the hippy flea market of Punta Arabí.

Tell me three adjectives that define Ibiza:

Unique, original and beautiful.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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