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Ibiza is one of the safest destinations in the Mediterranean

There are quite a few people who can’t make up their minds about going on holiday to the seaside this summer due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. If you’re still doubting where to go in August or September, find out why Ibiza is one of the safest destinations in the Mediterranean for your holidays at the seaside and the protocols we’re applying at Hotel Ánfora to make you enjoy your stay without fear.  

What is a COVID-FREE destination?

This is the name given to those destinations that so far have a low or very low COVID-19 infection rate and whose health system guarantees appropriate hospital care and management to handle imported cases. We must remember however, that there isn’t an official seal that declares a destination COVID-FREE, but some countries have created their own certifications to highlight, for example, holiday activities that will guarantee the necessary hygiene and safety standards to prevent coronavirus infections.

a sailing cala vicentIbiza offers safe bathing as there will be no crowds on the beaches. © NC/Hotel Ánfora

Is Ibiza a safe destination to travel this summer?

Ibiza is among the European holiday destinations with the lowest amount of cases since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. With just over 200 cases diagnosed since March, our island is nowhere near the figures suffered in other holiday places like France, Italy and Croatia, where, for instance, the Split area and the Dalmatia coast have had over 700 diagnosed cases so far.

The reasons why Ibiza is a safe holiday destination

- It’s an island.

Island destinations are generally the least hit by the coronavirus due to their limited accessibility. As our airport and port were closed during the lockdown, Ibiza was protected from the coronavirus when the number of cases peaked in continental Europe.

- Isolation in the summer and winter.

When the pandemic was declared, Ibiza hadn’t yet begun its holiday season, so the island barely had any incoming travellers to spread the virus before it was declared.

a ibiza island safe destination COVID-19Ibiza was protected from the coronavirus when the number of cases peaked in continental Europe. © NC/Hotel Ánfora

- A safe healthcare system.

Ibiza has two hospitals and all the means required to handle and treat any coronavirus imported cases during the summer months. At no time since the pandemic outbreak have the hospitals been overwhelmed with ICU cases or patients on the island.

- A hotel for asymptomatic cases.

The island’s government has arranged a special hotel for tourists who are diagnosed with coronavirus but have mild symptoms, so that they can spend the isolation under the best conditions. With this, we wish to send travellers a reassuring message as they will be assured care and accommodation if they were to be diagnosed with the virus when they arrive on the island or during their stay.

- A summer without mass parties.

In Ibiza, as in all other Balearic Islands, all night clubs, discos and nightlife establishments have had to suspend their indoor activities for more than 300 people. This is to prioritise the safety of travellers and residents by avoiding mass gatherings that tend to spread the virus.  

a safe beaches covid ibizaEnjoy a safe bathing during your holiday in Ibiza. © NC/Hotel Anfora

- Beaches without crowds.

This summer, Ibiza will be receiving fewer visitors than in the past so you will get to see the island under a different light, one we hadn’t seen for the last decade and one that will enable safe bathing as there will be no crowds on the beaches. Also, there will be a supervised limit on the amount of people allowed on popular small coves, such as Cala Compte and Cala Saladeta, to ensure the regulatory distance between towels and sunbeds.

Enjoy a safe holiday in Ibiza at Hotel Ánfora

Our hotel has always been known for its thorough cleaning of all its premises. If you’ve already stayed with us, you will already know this, but if you haven’t yet visited us, you can check it out in the reviews given by our guests on TripAdvisor and Google.

Nevertheless, this year we have extended our hygiene and cleaning protocols to address the explicit instructions for coronavirus prevention given by the authorities, with a special focus on disinfecting elements that people often touch, like key cards, light switches and door handles, lift buttons, tables, sunbeds... Due to our special hygiene and disinfection work, Hotel Ánfora has been certified as COVID-19 Safe Establishment by Gold Service.

a hotel anfora covid safeEnjoy a safe holiday in Ibiza at Hotel Ánfora. © HA

A safe hotel in Ibiza

Following the safety protocols in Hotel Ánfora...

- we have installed hydroalcoholic gel dispensers in all common areas and walk-through areas, like lifts and entrances.

- we have set up the regulatory safety distance between sunbeds and tables.

- all our employees have done the fast COVID-19 test.

- everyone is required to use masks in all common areas in the hotel.

- we keep a detailed register of all our suppliers, who are not allowed inside the hotel and keep to strict prevention rules when they bring their deliveries and leave them by the door for deliveries.

- we only use certified disinfecting products for cleaning and hygiene.

- we have drawn safety lines on the floor to show the required safety distance in front of the front desk and in other common areas.

- only two persons are allowed in the gym at a time, for which you have to book beforehand.

- we serve the buffet at your table for greater hygiene: you choose what you want and we take it to your table.

- we have created QR codes to see our menus and service lists.

- we offer our guests a full toiletry kit in the room upon request.

a safe hotel ibiza 2We have created QR codes to see our menus and service lists. © Hotel Ánfora

A hotel in Ibiza with lots of outdoor space

Another safety guarantee in Hotel Ánfora is the wide outdoor spaces for guests on the terraces of the bar, the restaurant and our two swimming-pools. Also, our guests will not only have the minimum distance required between sunbeds, but also between our large Balinese beds, that are ideal to enjoy a pleasant and safe day relaxing by the pool.

Quiet beaches only a few minutes away from the hotel

Apart from the beaches and coves of Es Canar, Cala Nova and Cala Martina, only a few minutes’ drive from Hotel Ánfora, you will find more beautiful beaches with enough space to sunbathe or swim safely, such as Cala Llenya, Playa des Figueral, Cala Llonga or Cala Sant Vicent, among others.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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