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Three walks on the eastern side of Ibiza

Autumn is the perfect time to explore Ibiza along its paths and hiking trails. The hiking trails near our modern 4-stal hotel in Es Canar will lead you to charming spots on the coast and inland, and remember that it’s still warm enough at this time of year for a refreshing swim on one of the eastern beaches in Ibiza. Want to follow us?

Hiking trails near Es Canar

If you like to walk, you will enjoy the pleasant walk that links our hotel in Es Canar to the beach in Cala Nova and its neighbouring cove Cala Llenya. This easy walk is a good introduction to the coastal landscapes on the eastern side of Ibiza. It’s perfect to whet your appetite for the hiking trails that are a few kilometres further away from Hotel Ánfora. Around the municipality of Santa Eulària des Riu -home to Es Canar and our hotel- there are about a dozen hiking trails with different difficulty ratings, so you are bound to find the one that best suits your level of fitness.

hikings ibiza moscarterMoscarter Lighthouse. © Pixabay

3 hiking trails for your trip to Ibiza in October

  1. Santa Gertrudis Walk

The beautiful countryside landscape of Santa Gertrudis is the main feature of this circular walk that is rated as easy and takes about an hour and a half.

  1. Moscarter Lighthouse Walk

This circular walk will take you to the tallest lighthouse in the Balearic Islands and will show you excellent views of the Ses Formigues islets. The trail starts at Portinatx. It’s rated as easy and is 12.5km long.

  1. Es Figueral Walk

If you like the hardest trails, we suggest you choose this 18.95km hiking trail that is rated as extremely difficult and stops at Pou des Lleó, Torre d’en Valls, Cala Mastella and Sant Carles.

hiking figueralEs Figueral beach area. © Pixabay

Information on hiking trails in Ibiza

All hiking trails have the appropriate signs and you can find detailed information on them on and on If you need more information or if you’d like to hire a guided walk, please inquire at our front desk in Hotel Ánfora and we will be delighted to help.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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