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There’s nothing better than starting your holidays in Ibiza with a relaxing day at Hotel Ánfora, our modern 4-star hotel in Es Canar. Because when you land on the island with the routine still clinging to you, it’s best to spend a whole day shaking off the daily demands and ensure you shift completely into relax mode, right?

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This year we are celebrating the hotel’s 50th birthday and we didn’t want to miss the chance to chat to Carmen Ferrer about the hotel, Es Canar and Ibiza. Carmen had to step into her father’s shoes and run Hotel Ánfora in 2004.

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The 2019 season is being very special for us because Hotel Ánfora is celebrating its 50th anniversary this summer. To celebrate this thrilling event, we’re offering our guests welcome gifts, special packages and very interesting offers. But we also wanted this anniversary to show on Hotel Ánfora and that’s why we’ve launched a new website to match the renewed spirit of our 4-star hotel in Es Canar.

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The end of the summer is the perfect time to enjoy the beaches and explore other spots and experiences on the White Island. Our new offer for Ibiza in October and late September has been specially designed to encourage you to discover the island with your car, following the many routes available. Today we’d like to suggest a one-day route on the eastern side of Ibiza. Read on to discover how to benefit from our new offer and our suggestion on a route by car.

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If you’ve got an adventurous and inquisitive palate, you will love the theme dinners organised at our hotel with restaurant in Es Canar. Three times a week, our kitchen travels from Ibiza to Asia and from Asia to Mexico. A food journey through the recipes of three unique territories that we hope you’ll want to explore and relish during your stay in Hotel Ánfora. Que aproveche! – Bon appetit! – Bom profit! – Guten appetit! – Buon appetito! – Bom proveito – Goede Eetlust!

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This summer, Hotel Ánfora is celebrating no less than 50 years since we opened the doors of our hotel in Es Canar. For this reason, we have prepared welcome gifts, we’ve made special packages for customers who are also celebrating a special date and we are looking back to relive the best memories of the past five decades. On this occasion, we’re jumping back to the 80s. Want to come?

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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


Online Booking
(+34) 971 33 01 76

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