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Miércoles, 11 Octubre 2023 - Leído 2310 veces
Hotel Ánfora is near several trails in Santa Eulalia that begin or end by the water, so you can combine exercise and beach in the same plan. So when you come to Ibiza, don’t forget your walking boots!
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Miércoles, 27 Septiembre 2023 - Leído 1950 veces
Gone are the inflexible weeks thanks to the so-called workation, an attractive option for remote workers that allows you to combine leisure with work. If you want Monday to feel like a Friday, take up our special offer for workation in Ibiza in October!
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Jueves, 31 Agosto 2023 - Leído 3103 veces
Summer nights are for barbecues and the scents of wood so here’s a list of restaurants in Ibiza where you can eat grilled meat and satisfy that summer craving. And this perfect plan is only a few minutes away from Hotel Ánfora.
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Jueves, 17 Agosto 2023 - Leído 5555 veces
The hippy market of Las Dalias is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Ibiza and one of the plans to include on any trip to the island, as it’s open all year round. Unique items, shows, food... If you haven’t yet visited it, don’t miss it!
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Sábado, 05 Agosto 2023 - Leído 2469 veces
Every year, Hotel Ánfora adds new measures to turn our hotel into an even more efficient and sustainable accommodation. We began this new journey six years ago to provide our guests with more and more eco-friendly holidays.
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Jueves, 03 Agosto 2023 - Leído 2089 veces
Ibiza has become a favourite among couples of all ages who wish to enjoy a romantic holiday by the sea. If you're thinking about giving your partner a special surprise in Ibiza, read on our suggestions and contact us if you need any help.
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Viernes, 21 Julio 2023 - Leído 1793 veces
There are more and more places available for those who want to experience the green Ibiza: restaurants, shops, street markets, visits... If you want to find eco-friendly options for your holidays, read our selection and add it to your plans.
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Lunes, 10 Julio 2023 - Leído 2321 veces
Cala Llenya is one of the most beautiful beaches on the eastern coast of Ibiza and perfect for all types of bathers, from families with kids to travellers seeking the quiet of its secluded spots. Start the car and come over to explore it!
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Miércoles, 21 Junio 2023 - Leído 3208 veces
Summer pleasures are also for Ibiza’s residents. For this reason, and because we all need a break from the summer frenzy, we’ve brought back the Anfora Day Pass, the day pass in Es Canar that you’ll love if you’re into relaxed pool days.
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Jueves, 15 Junio 2023 - Leído 1760 veces
Goat’s cheese, wine, olive oil, honey, traditional cakes, hierbas ibicencas liquor and the famous sobrasada are the typical food products you’ll be able to taste in Ibiza during your holidays on the island and even take back home as a tasty souvenir.
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Lunes, 12 Junio 2023 - Leído 2421 veces
Once again, we’ve planned an exciting summer full of activities and exhibitions for you to enjoy during your stay at our 4-star hotel in Es Canar or when you come over to spend the day with us with the Anfora Day Pass. Open your calendar and note down these events.
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Lunes, 22 Mayo 2023 - Leído 1965 veces
If summer means a world of opportunities to make fantastic memories in the water, check out the water sports available in Ibiza, from the most classical summer options, to the most innovative activities that will get your adrenaline pumping.
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Martes, 23 Mayo 2023 - Leído 9509 veces
One of the most frequent mistakes made by people who haven’t visited our island is thinking that you can’t have fun in Ibiza without clubbing. So wrong! Except for two areas, the rest of the island is a haven for travellers who just want to relax and enjoy the nature and food.
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Viernes, 31 Marzo 2023 - Leído 1289 veces
Summer will arrive at Hotel Ánfora this coming April 21st, the day we kick off the Ibiza 2023 season. If you haven’t yet booked a room, celebrate our opening with a special last-minute offer for your next stay and start getting into the Med mood in 3, 2, 1... Go!
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Lunes, 09 Enero 2023 - Leído 1492 veces
The New Year brings a bag-full of resolutions we want to add to our everyday life. Hotel Ánfora isn’t going to urge you to go to the gym –others will have already done that– but we do want to suggest ten resolutions that you’ll be able to stick to on your next holiday in Ibiza.
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Viernes, 23 Diciembre 2022 - Leído 1444 veces
You've probably spent hours thinking, finding and choosing Christmas presents for your loved ones these past days, but now it’s time to think up a present for you. Why not give yourself a holiday in Ibiza at an amazing rate? Here’s our most Christmassy offer for you to enjoy this summer, so hurry up and open it! Ho, ho, ho...
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07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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