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Snack Bar


Welcome to the Snack Bar at Anfora Hotel, where delightful culinary experiences await you for lunch. Start with our "To Share" options, such as Bread with a Variety of Alioli or the exquisite Iberian Ham Platter. Discover local flavours with our Balearic Cheese Selection.

Our specials include unique dishes like Watermelon Carpaccio with Lemon Gel and Tofu, and savoury Duck Bao with Pickles. For a hearty choice, try our Fish & Chips with Citric Wasabi Mayonnaise.

Indulge in vibrant salads like the Anfora Salad with Salmon and Avocado, or the vegetarian Burrata Salad. Our sandwiches and burgers, including the gourmet Beef Burger and Heura Vegetarian Burger, offer satisfying options.

Explore exotic flavours with our Wok dishes, such as Anfora Wok with Smoked Beef, or enjoy the daily Pasta specials. Pizza lovers will enjoy our diverse selection, from Margherita to Anfora with Smoked Salmon.

Children can delight in favourites like Chicken Fingers with Fries and Margherita Pizza. Conclude your meal with delicious desserts, including Fresh Seasonal Fruit and Mandarin Chilboust with White Chocolate.

Join us for a memorable lunch at Anfora Hotel's Snack Bar, where exceptional flavors and a relaxing ambiance create an unforgettable dining experience.


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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


Online Booking
(+34) 971 33 01 76

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