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Celebrate the Es Canar festivities with us

Did you know that Saint Cristopher, patron of travelers and drivers, is also the patron saint of Es Canar? If you’re on holiday in Ibiza in the next July 10th, visit us, learn about our tradition and join the local festivities.

Before, the residents of Es Canar and surroundings celebrated San Cristòfol (Saint Cristopher in the local language) with a mass service in the chapel and a paella lunch in the pine tree forest by the beach. That tradition is still alive and is also enjoyed by tourists on holiday in the area. If you’re staying at the Anfora Hotel it will be very easy for you to join the festivities, since all events take place less than a five-minute walk from the hotel.

How can you celebrate Saint Cristopher’s festivities?

- Don’t miss the Ibiza arts and crafts stalls that you’ll find on the main road during the festivities.

- Enjoy the traditional horse cart parade at 12:45 AM.

- Watch the paella contest in the pine tree forest and ask for a plate of this tasty and typical dish. Es Canar fiestas traditional danceTraditional dance (ball pagès) © NC/Anfora

- In the evening, don’t miss the demonstration of the traditional local dance (ball pagès), a beautiful courtship dance of unique character.

- Enjoy the outdoor concert at 10:00 PM.

- End Saint Cristopher’s day with the fireworks at midnight.

There’s more…

The previous days to Saint Christopher’s, there are other ludic events like musical acts in several local establishments, children’s parties and dance activities.

We’ll be waiting for you…

es canar cartel


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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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